-Greenfield deployment
Enterprise Voice provides new businesses or even new office sites for existing businesses with the opportunity to implement a full-featured VoIP solution without having to worry about PBX integration or incurring the substantial deployment and maintenance costs of an IP PBX infrastructure. This solution supports both onsite and remote workers.
In this scenario, all calls are routed over the IP network. Calls to the PSTN are routed to the appropriate media gateway. Communicator serves as a softphone. RCC is unavailable in this scenario because Communicator Phone Edition, like Communicator, provides click-to-call capability. Voice mail and auto-attendant services are available through the optional deployment of Exchange Unified Messaging.
In addition to the network infrastructure that is required to support Communications Server 2007, a greenfield deployment might require a small PBX to support fax machines and analog or ISDN devices. In certain scenarios, this might require a new PRI (Primary Rate Interface) link with a new set of numbers.
The following figure shows a typical topology for a greenfield deployment.
Figure 14. Greenfield deployment option
Deployment Scenarios
The Cisco Unified Communications system can help you take full advantage of your existing IP network to deliver new communications services. Whether implemented individually or in combination, the products help you reap the highest possible productivity and cost-savings benefits and achieve a fast, measurable ROI in a variety of deployment scenarios, including:
- Greenfield : A new telephone system is installed to serve a new or relocating facility
- Centrex Replacement: The recurring costs of an outsourced service are replaced by an internally owned telephone system
- Multisite Centralized Call Processing: Replacin g separate systems within a company or region with centralized call processing presents significant potential for reducing costs, consolidating redundant infrastructure, and standardizing network services
- Single-site PBX and ACD Replacement: The need to replace aging or obsolete voice infrastructure often begins the migration to IPC
- IP Telephony: Cisco products can integrate with existing PBX and key systems to help you migrate gradually to IP telephony while protecting current technology investment