2009年6月10日 星期三

Setting Up basic CCME


Maximum phones and directory numbers

max ephone & max ephone-dn

Firmware load files

share the phone loads with “tftp-server” command

"tftp-server flash:/phone/7942-7962/apps42.8-3-1-22.sbn alias apps42.8-3-1-22.sbn"

load phone loads under telephony-service configuration mode

"load 7962 SCCP42.8-3-2S" (*** DO NOT include the suffix ".loads" or ".bin", I spent lot of time for troubleshooting when I lab it the first time.)

Even you specified the wrong “loads” or “bin” file, the phone can still register to CCME with error message “File NOT Found….”.

Source IP address information

"ip source-address x.x.x.x”

Generated configuration files

"create cnf-files" (Should be created automatically)
