2009年6月24日 星期三

What is dial-peer 0?

dial-peer 0 is a default dial-peer for inbound call when no other specific dial-peer is matched.

There are several parameters used to match a inbound call within dial-peer configuration mode. They are matched in the following order.

  1. incoming-called number (DNIS:Dialed Number Identification Service)
  2. answer-address (ANI:Automatic Number Identification)
  3. destination-pattern (ANI)
  4. port (For inbound POTS call only)
  5. dial-peer 0

Dial-peer 0 will be matched automatically if all the above 4 parameters are not exist.

Once dial-peer is matched the following “default condition” also applied and not tunable.

  • accept any voice codec
  • NO DTMF relay
  • Voice Packets marked as IP precedence 0
  • VAD enabled
  • NO RSVP support
  • Fax-rate voice: The router will limit the bandwidth available to fax signals to the
    maximum allowed by the VoIP codec. This could devastate fax calls if you are using
    a low-bandwidth compressed codec.
  • No application support: Dial peer 0 cannot refer calls to outside applications, such
    as an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
  • NO DID support

As dial-peer bring some bad effect for voice call, configure your dial-peer to avoid it as possible as you can.
